Publications & Outreach

Academic Publications

Wassén, Cecilia. “Purity, Impurity, and In-Between.” In Purity in Ancient Judaism: Text, Contexts, and Concepts. Edited by Lutz Doering, Jörg Frey, and Laura von Bartenwerffer. Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 528. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2025, 221–237. Open access. 

Popular Publications and Reviews: 2025

Trygg, Sanna. Interview of Blaženka Scheuer. “Is the end of the world nigh?” Apropå. Published 2025-01-08. Open access. 

Goldman, Aaron James. “January 6: Capitol Attack.” In series: Religion and Dates. Series editor: Hege Markussen. Video editor: Daniel Strömgren. Published 16 January 2025.

Kuhlin, Joel. “21a februari: Malcolm X dödsdag.” In series: Religion and Dates. Series editor: Hege Markussen. Video editor: Daniel Strömgren. Published 17 February 2025.

Academic Publications

Borin, Lars, Mia-Marie Hammarlin, Dimitrios Kokkinakis and Fredrik Miegel, eds. (2024). Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries: Trust and Distrust during the COVID-19 Pandemic. London: Routledge. Open access.

Burnett, Allan. (2024). Order in Ruins: British Society and the Media Assemblage of The World at War c. 1970 – 1975. Lund: Mediatryck (Lund University). ISBN: 9789181040500. 

Björk, Mårten. (2024). “Becoming What We Know: Franz von Baader on Cognition and Revelation.” Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 11.1: 4-35. Open access.

Chon-Torres, Octavio Alfonso, Julian Chela-Flores, David Dunér, Erik Persson, Tony Milligan, Jesús Martínez-Frías, Andreas Losch, Adam Pryor and César Andreé Murga-Moreno. (2024). “Astrobiocentrism: reflections on challenges in the transition to a vision of life and humanity in space.” International Journal of Astrobiology 23: 1–17. Open access.

Cronqvist, Marie. (2024). “Beredskapstid och framtidsfrid.” In Framtidskompasser: En akademisk tankesmedja tar ut riktningar. Edited by Cronqvist, Ulrika Oredsson and Lynn Åkesson. Non-peer-reviewed. Stockholm & Göteborg: Makadam.

Cronqvist, Marie. (2024). “Humanistisk beredskap i en ny säkerhetspolitisk epok.” In Humanioras betydelse: En idéskrift. Edited by Lovisa Brännstedt, Linus Salö & Kim Silow Kallenberg. Stockholm: Humtank, 45–50. Open access. Non-peer-reviewed.

Cronqvist, Marie. (2024). “Krig och katastrofer: Beredskap i krigstid.” Stockholm: Svenska Filminstitutet. Open access.

Cronqvist, Marie, Fredrik Mohammadi Norén and Emil Stjernholm, eds. (2024). Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century. London: Routledge.

Cronqvist, Marie, Ulrika Oredsson and Lynn Åkesson, eds. (2024). Framtidskompasser: En akademisk tankesmedja tar ut riktningar. Stockholm & Göteborg: Makadam.

Dunér, David. (2024). “Signs of Life: The Epistemology of Indirect Sensing.” In The Philosophy of Outer Space: Explorations, Controversies, Speculations. Edited by Mirko Daniel Garasic and Marcello Di Paola. Abingdon: Routledge, 56–64. Open access. 

Dunér, David. (2024). ”Anatomiska intriger. Johan Jacob Döbelius 1674–1743. Biografi och bibliografi.” Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2024, 5–49. ISBN 978-91-985286-7-1; ISSN 0349-053X.

Farbøl, Rosanna, Iben Bjørnsson and Marie Cronqvist. (2024). "Cold War Conduct: Knowledge Transfer, Psychological Defence, and Media Preparedness in Denmark between Sweden, Norway, and NATO, 1954–1967." Scandinavian Journal of History 49(5): 605–628. Open access.

Goldman, Aaron James. (2024). “Exceptions (to exceptions) and decisions (about decisions) in Søren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling and Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology.” In Political Violence: Historical, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives. (Series: Helsinki Yearbook of Intellectual History, Vol. 4). Edited by Panu-Matti Pöykkö, Pamela Slotte Russo and Viljami Salo. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 131–152. Open access. 

Gustafsson Chorell, Torbjörn. (2024). “Two concepts of apocalypse and apocalyptic history today.” Rethinking History 28(3): 357–375. Open access.

Hammarlin, Mia-Marie, Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Fredrik Miegel and Jullietta Stoencheva. (2024). “Fearing mRNA: A Mixed Methods Study of Vaccine Rumours.” Pages 157–84 In Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries: Trust and Distrust during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Edited by Lars Borin, Hammarlin, Kokkinakis and Miegel. London: Routledge, 157–184. Open access.

Johansen, Tormod O. (2024). “Concepts of justice beyond suum cuique: Equivalence, law, righteousness, and love.” Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology: 1–17. Open access. 

Johansen, Tormod O. (2024). “Concepts of Law and their Potentials.” In The Significance of Gregor Noll. Edited by Leila Brännström, Amin Parsa and Markus Gunneflo. Riga: Livonia, 26–39. ISBN: 9789152794043. Open access. 

Johansen, Tormod O. (2024). Krisjuridik: Rättsliga befogenheter från olycka till höjd beredskap. Norstedts Laghandböcker. Nordstedt Juridik. ISBN: 9789139024439. 

Johansen, Tormod O. (2024). "Legal Form and the End of Law." In Law Beyond the Legal Form: Pashukanis's Legacy. Edited by Cosmin Cercel, Gian-Giacomo Fusco, and Przemyslaw Tacik. Routledge: New York, 220–238. Open access. 

Kuhlin, Joel. (2024). A Beautiful Failure: The Event of Death and Rhetorical Disorder in the Gospel according to Mark. Lunds universitet. Mediatryck: Lund, 2024 (Doctoral thesis). ISBN: 978-91-89874-25-1.

Lagerkvist, Amanda.(2024). “Yearning for a You: Faith, doubt and relational expectancy in existential communication with chatbots in a world on edge.” MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research 40(76): 10-30. Open access.

Quast, Paul E. and David Dunér, eds. (2024). Speaking Beyond Earth: Perspectives on Messaging Across Deep Space and Cosmic Time. Jefferson: McFarland & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-1-4766-9000-1. 

Scheuer, Blaženka. (2024). “Between Absurdity And Hope: Suffering In The Book Of Isaiah.” In Unity in the Book of Isaiah. Edited by Benedetta Rossi, Dominic S. Irudayaraj and Gina Hens-Piazza. London: Bloomsbury; T&T Clark, 212–224. ISBN: 9780567705938; 9780567705945.

Svenungsson, Jayne. (2024). “The end of law and other miracles: On the limitations of apocalyptic political theologies.” Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology: 1–17. Open access.

Svenungsson, Jayne. (2024). "From Apocalyptic Demonization to Theological Responsibility." Streit-Kultur 2(1):15-19. Open access.

Svenungsson, Jayne. (2024). “The Future of Christianity in Western and Northern Europe.” In Christianity in Western and Northern Europe. Edited by Kenneth R. Ross, Annemarie C. Meyer and Todd M. Johnson. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 461–476. Open access. 

Wassén, Cecilia. (2024). “Halakhah at the End of Days: A Comparison between Jesus’s Teaching and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In Qumran and the New Testament (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 340). Edited by Jörg Frey. Leuven; Paris; Bristol: Peters, 101–128. Open access. 

Wickberg, Adam, Susanna Lidström, Amanda Lagerkvist, Tirza Meyer, Nina Wormbs, Johan Gärdebo, Sverker Sörlin and Sabine Höhler. (2024). “The Mediated Planet: Datafication and the Environmental SDGs.” Environmental Science & Policy 153: 1–5. Open access. 

Popular Publications and Reviews: 2024

Albertsdóttir, Ellen. Interview of Aaron James Goldman. “How Trump turned the elections into a wrestling match.” Apropå. Published 2024-09-12. Open access. Swedish version available at

Andersson, Katarina. Interview of Patrik Fridlund. "Konspirationsteoretiker kan inte uppfostras." Tidningen Syre. Published 2024-05-21. Open access. 

Dunér, David. (2024). "Enlightenment All the Way to Heaven: Emanuel Swedenborg in the Context of Eighteenth‐Century Theology and Philosophy. By Friedemann Stengel. Swedenborg Studies 24. West Chester, PA: Swedenborg Foundation. 2023." Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2024. [Book review.] 

Cronqvist, Marie. ”Idag har Hesa Fredrik än mer allvarsam ton.” Svenska Dagbladet. Published 2024-09-02.

Cronqvist, Marie. (2024). “'Keep nine litres of water in storage': how Baltic and Nordic countries are preparing for a crisis or war.” The Conversation, Published 2024-11-29.

Fridlund, Patrik. (2024)."Att kriminalisera en förnekelse." Dagens arena.Published 2024-03-22. Open access. 

Fridlund, Patrik. (2024). “Folkutbyte som konspirationsteori och politik.” Dagens arena. Published 2024-07-31. Open access. 

Fridlund, Patrik. (2024). “Sverige militariseras – är det Hobbes tankar som styr?” Tidningen Syre. Published 2024-05-10. Open access. 

Goldman, Aaron James. (2024). “Donald Trump: Political Disruptor, Apocalyptic Hero,Apocalypse Quarterly 2024(4): 22–24. Open access.

Goldman, Aaron James. (2024). “Hunting Big Game: Trump's Use of Kayfabe.” Religion in Praxis blog. Published 2024-09-10. Open access.

Goldman, Aaron James. (2024). “Wrestling with Trump: Kayfabe and Its Broader Applications.” Religion in Praxis blog. Published 2024-08-28. Open access.

Grandahl, Jeppe. (2024). Interview of Aaron James Goldman. “Donald Trump og Hulk Hogan: Amerikansk politik og wrestling.” POV International. Published 2024-10-30. Open access.

Noll, Gregor. (2024). “Der Bombe Sinn geben. Der Eid der Brüder Stauffenberg von 1944.” Lettre International (German edition). 

Norocel, Ov Cristian. (2024). “Die Zukunft, die bereits geschah.” Info Europa -Informationen überden Donauraum und Mitteleuropa: Kulturführer Mitteleuropa 1:7–9. Info Europa 1/2024 - “Zukunftsnostalgie.” Open access.

Svenungsson, Jayne. (2024). “Philip Geister, En Gud för de levande: En introduktion till kristen eskatologi. Artos, 2023.” Signum 2: 57–9. [Book review.] 

Svenungsson, Jayne. (2024). "En framtid som målas i kolsvarta färger kan leda till vanmakt." Sydsvenskan. Published 2024-12-30. 

Marie Cronqvist was interviewed for Vetenskapsradion Historia on 17 September 2024 about the 75 year anniversary of the Soviet atomic bomb and apocalyptic imaginaries. The interview was also selected for the annual chronicle programme in Vetenskapsradion Historia on 31 December 2024. 

David Dunér is featured in an episode of "HT-samtal" from 13 February 2024 under the rubric Domkyrkans idéer och världsbilder

Aaron James Goldman was featured on a live-streamed panel about the 2024 US presidential election by Debatt i Lund titled “America votes - will Gen Z swing the election?” Lund University. 14 October 2024. 

Aaron James Goldman was interviewed by Tornike Metreveli for the podcast Religion in Praxis: Conversation Series episode “Politics as Performance: Trump, Kayfabe, and the Wrestling of American Beliefs.” 30 September 2024. 

Tormod O. Johansenand Leila Brännström interview Bas Schotel for the End of Law podcast, episode 6, “Potentia and Dual State.” 8 November 2024. 

Jayne Svenungsson's lecture "Poetic Theology," 15 March 2024 in Utrecht, Holland, can be seen here.

Cecilia Wassén's lecture "Den historiske personen Jesus: vad kan man veta?" 17 March 2024, 13.00–14.30, Storkyrkosalen, can be seen here.

Cecilia Wassén recorded an episode for the podcast "Historia Nu" and talked about Jesus as an apocalyptic prophet, which was released on the 27 March 2024, on–nu


Björk, Mårten. (2023). "Embracing Failure." Sidecar (blog of New Left Review). 25 August 2023.

Cronqvist, Marie. (2023). “Domedagen har aldrig varit lika nära.” Svenska Dagbladet. 23 January 2023.

Bennesved, Peter and Marie Cronqvist. (2023). "En humanistiskt skolad kunskapsstrateg på ett samhällsvetenskapligt fält: Torsten Husén och framväxten av ett svenskt psykologiskt försvar." In Johan Östling, Anton Jansson, and Ragni Svensson Stringberg, eds., Humaniora i välfärdssamhället: Kunskapshistorier om efterkrigstidenStockholm & Göteborg: Makadam.

Chertkovskaya, Ekaterina, Jacob A. Hasselbalch, and Johannes Stripple. (2023). "Assembling a Zero-Waste World: From situated to distributed prefiguration." Organization Studies

Dunér, David. (2022). ”Det ovan såsom det nedan.” Hjärnstorm 150: 54–62. ISSN 0348-6958. 

---------. 2023). "Copernican Principle," "Great Chain of Being," "Imaginary Voyages (from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century)," "Life, Concept of (from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century)," and "Principle of Plenitude." In Muriel Gargaud, et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 3rd edition. Springer.

---------. (2023). "Emanuel Swedenborg – Himmelska hemligheter." In Kurt Almqvist and Carl Philip Passmark, eds., Det esoteriska Sverige: Från Swedenborg till Strindberg. Stockholm: Stolpe.

---------. (2023). ”Mörkret i människan.” Axess 1: 24–29.

---------. (2023). "Resan till månen." Ikaros

---------. (2023). "Swedenborgs helvete." In program for the play Inferno, Malmö Dockteater,

Dunér, David, ed. (2023). Lunds domkyrka: Idéer och världsbilderGothenburg & Stockholm: Makadam, 2023.

Dunér, David, Svante Nordin, and Anna Tunlid, eds. (2023). Homo sapiens och andra djur: Gunnar Broberg som idé- och lärdomshistorikerLund: Ugglan— Lund Studies in the History of Ideas and Sciences.

Fridlund, Patrik. (2023). "Konspirationsteorier — ett politiskt dilemma." Nya Argus 116:8-9.

---------. "Les théories de la conspiration, l'herméneutique et Ricœur—quelques facettes de l'existence humaine." Logoi. ph–Rivista di filosofia, Journal of Philosophy 9.23 (2023): 284-301.(2023).

---------. "My Religious Identity: An Unfinished Project." Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjonsvitenskap [Norwegian Journal of Missiology] 77(1): 53–69,

Gunneflo, Markus, and Gregor Noll. (2023). "Technologies of Decision Support and Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law." Nordic Journal of International Law 92.1: 93-118.

Hammarlin, Mia-Marie. (2023). “I bonded with COVID vaccine sceptics over saunas and Mother Earth rituals – this is what they taught me.” The Conversation. 17 February 2023.

Hammarlin, Mia-Marie, Lars Borin, and Dimitrios Kokkinakis. (2023). "Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. A Mixed Methods Investigation of Matters of Life and Death." Journal of Digital Social Research 5(4): 

Johansen, Tormod. (2023). "Psychogeology." Tillfällighet:

Lagerkvist, Amanda. (2023). “AI as Existential Media: Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun (2021)." In Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt, Ferdinando G. Menga, and Christian Schlenker, eds., Rethinking Responsibility. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

---------. . (2023). "Reawakenings to the improbable: Offerings of the limit situation for media theory in a disorderly world." Media, Culture & Society:

Lagerkvist, Amanda and Bo Reimer. (2023). "Bothering the Binaries: Unruly AI Futures of Hauntings and Hope at the Limit." In Simon Lindgren, ed., Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial IntelligenceCheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lagerkvist, Amanda, Jacek Smolicki, and Matilda Tudor. (2023). “Sonorous Surfaces, Biased Backends: The Gendered Voices of AI Assistants as Existential Media." In Lisa Parks, Julia Velkova, and Sander de Ridder, eds., Media Backends: Digital Infrastructures and Sociotechnical RelationsChicago: University of Illinois Press.

Liepe, Lena. (2023). “Reliquaries and saints’ shrines.” The Medieval Scandinavian Art Reader, eds. Margrethe C. Stang & Laura Tillery. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 293–306.

Scheuer, Blaženka. (2023). Bees, Wasps, and Weasels: Zoomorphic Slurs and the Delegitimation of Deborah and Huldah in the Babylonian Talmud. Lexington / Fortress Academic.

Strømmen, Hannah. (2023). "Crusades, Christ and Christmas: Islamophobia and the Bible in the European Far-Right after 9/11." Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik.

---------.  (2023). “A Nordic Far Right Bible? Right-wing Biblical Assemblages and the Role of Reception History”. In Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, Outi Lehtipuu, Kasper Bro Larsen, eds., The Nordic Bible: Bible Reception in Contemporary Nordic Societies. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 39-59 

Svenungsson, Jayne. (2022). ”Millenarianism.” In Brendan N. Wolfe et al. (eds.), St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology. University of St Andrews.

---------.  (2023). “Religion and Secularity as Supersessionist Categories: Contemplating Diversity and Otherness after 9/11.” Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik (e-pub ahead of print).

---------. . (2023). "Skräckens eller hoppets bilder? Om synerna i Apokalypsen." Dixikon

Wassén, Cecilia. (2023). "Amos 5:26–27 and 9:11–12 in the Damascus Document." In David Davage, Mikael Larsson, and Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, eds., Metaphors in the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible and Beyond, (Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplements 36. Leiden: Brill Schöningh, 2023.

---------.  (2023). “Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” T&T Clark Jesus Library.

---------.  (2023). “Rations, Refreshments, Reading, and Revelation: The Multifunction of the Common Meal in the Qumran Movement.” In Travis B. Williams, Chris Keith, and Loren Stuckenbruck, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls in Ancient Media Culture, 415–49. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 144. Leiden: Brill.


Björk, Mårten. (2023). "1: The Politics of Immortality." Recorded interview by Tormod Johansen for the End of Law podcast.

Cronqvist, Marie. (2023). "Apokalyps." Recorded interview, published as podcast episode for MKV-Podden

Cronqvist, Marie and Rosanna Farbøl. (2023). "Psykologiskt försvar under kalla kriget." Podcast episode of HØRESUND.

Dunér, David. (2023). "Swedenborgs resor i rymden." Recorded interview (in English), published as podcast episode for Swedenborgspodden

Goldman, Aaron James. (2023). "Donald Trump as a Religious Hero." Recorded lecture for HT-dagarna at Lund University, published as podcast episode for Religion och Teologi

Goldman, Aaron James. (2023). "QAnon as a Quasi-Religious Movement." Recorded interview by Martin Degrell at Lund University, published as podcast episode for Humaniora och teologi

Göransson, Gunnel, Lisa van Well, and Johannes Stripple. (2023). "Planned Retreat." Besserwisser: 

Hammarlin, Mia-Marie. (2023). "COVID-vaccine hesitancy in Sweden" [Episode #165]. Social Media and Politics podcast.

Hammarlin, Mia-Marie. (2023). "Flashback har talat: så känner internet inför covidvaccinet som fått Nobelpris." P1, Swedish Radio

Svenungsson, Jayne. (2023). "Jayne Svenungsson om apokalyptiska föreställningar." Recorded interview published as podcast episode for Eskatologipodden

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