Apokalyptik i Konst och Litteratur
On 1 October 2025, Tobias Hägerland is planning an afternoon event in Gothenburg, as part of a collaboration between Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion (LIR) at the University of Gothenburg and At the End of the World (EOTW). Registration is required. To register, please email tobias.hagerland@lir.gu.se. The event will be in Swedish.
The program is not finalized, but it will include a visit to Göteborgs konstmuseum at 13.00 and a seminar at 15.15 on apocalypse in Knausgård's Morgenstjernen.
The seminar will be part of LIR's high seminar series. Confirmed speakers at the seminar include:
Amanda Lagerkvist, professor of media and communication studies at Uppsala University and researcher at EOTW (moderator)
Camilla Brudin Borg, associate professor of literary studies at LIR
Jonas Ingvarsson, associate professor of literary studies at LIR
Yvonne Leffler, professor of literary studies at LIR, and
Hannah Strømmen, senior lecturer in Bible, politics and culture at Lund University, Wallenberg Academy Fellow and researcher at EOTW