At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 June 2024
This is the sixth newsletter for the At the End of the World research program, housed at Lund University. It is the second from our second year of activity. If you’re receiving this email, it’s because you’ve been subscribed to our mailing list. Below, we’ll fill you in on some upcoming events for the fall of 2024, and also what we've been up to since the last newsletter. | |
"Two Concepts of Apocalypse & Apocalyptic History Today"
Tobjörn Gustafsson Chorell has publiced an article. conceptualizing and contextualizing the apocalypse: ". . . An apocalyptic imaginary appears so frequently in debates on climate change and the Anthropocene that it might be considered the dominant historical narrative of our time. However, when dealing with apocalypticism, biblical references are not always appropriate . . . ": https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13642529.2024.2352315?scroll=top&needAccess=true
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"The Future of Christianity in Western and Northern Europe"
Jayne Svenungsson has published the article ‘The Future of Christianity in Western and Northern Europe’, in the volume Christianity in Western and Northern Europe, edited by Kenneth R. Ross, Annemarie C. Meyer and Todd M. Johnson (Edinburgh University Press, 2024 pages 461–476).
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Podcasts and interviews featuring program team members | |
Interview with Lena Liepe: The Relic within the Viklau Madonna
Lene Liepe has been interviewed as a part of the popular series ”Museernas hemligheter”, on Radio Sweden. On the 4th July, 14:30 the new episodes in the series will be introduced, which include the episode where Liepe discusses the relic that was discovered within the "Viklau Madonna", located at the Historiska museet, in Stockholm Sweden.
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Webinar iv: Surviving the Apocalypse 16:00-17:30, 10 October 2024 | |
Twice per academic term, At the End of the World hosts a webinar, featuring experts in topics pertaining to our collaborative areas of study. These events are attended by our internal research team and are open to the public. In spring of 2024, we will have two webinars. Further details about the webinars will be published at the beginning of the new year. In the fifth webinar of the At the End of the World research program’s series on 10 October, 16:00–17:30 (Stockholm time), Mia-Marie Hammarlin and Torbjörn Chorell Gustafsson will speak with S. D. Chrostowska. The conversation will relate, among other things, to Chrostowska's book Utopia in the Age of Survival: Between Myth and Politics. Further details about the webinar to be announced.
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other upcoming events of interest | |

Lecture by Tobias Hägerland: "Apokalypsbegreppet i kristendomen" at the seminar "Perspektiv på undergången", organized by Göteborgs konstmuseum in relation to the exhibition Tidens slut. Undergångskonst från Dürer till AI, Göteborg 7 October 2024. Further details TBA. 
Lecture by Amanda Lagerkvist: ”AI-apokalypsen. Går vi mot undergången eller det mänskligas pånyttfödelse i maskinen?” at Immanuelkyrkan, Stockholm October 8, 2024 Further details TBA. 
Seminar with David Dunér: Post-Apocalyptic Space Imaginaries. Lund, 26 November, 2024. Invited speakers and further details TBA. | |
Ervik Cejvan: "Apocalyptic Imaginary and Truth" 16.00-18.00, 24 September 2024. Ervik Cejvan, PhD, will give a lecture and present new research on the topic "Apocalyptic Imaginary and Truth," at the Centre for Theology and Religious studies Lund university, 16.00-18.00 on the 24 September, hosted by At the End of the World-research program. Lecture with Damir Skenderovic: "Counter Media of the New Right." 17:15–18:30, 31 October 2024. Since the 1970s, a cultural and intellectual New Right has emerged in various Western European countries, producing numerous print periodicals that its protagonists saw as counter media projects. In their view, these periodicals were intended to challenge the dominant public sphere and oppose the ideas and representations in what they called the established media. The event is organized by Beyond Truth & Lies. Seminar with Damir Skenderovic: "Conspiracy Theories and Right-Wing Populism". 10:15–12:00, 1 November 2024. In this seminar with Damir Skenderovic, we will discuss texts that focus on the relationship between conspiracy theories and right-wing populism. The aim is to explore the extent to which debates on the concept of (right-wing) populism include conspiratorial thinking as a defining dimension. Furthermore, the texts present past and present examples that illustrate the importance of conspiracy theories in right-wing populist politics. The event is organized by Beyond Truth & Lies. Seminar with Marisa Žele: "A Deal with the Devil – On the Question of Trickery, Truth and Lying". 20 November 16:15-18:00, 2024, Zoom: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/62645329724; Populism and Religion Seminar Series. If we were to set out to write a history of the concept of truth, whatever that may be, we would inevitably find that it is closely followed by its most faithful shadow. We could call it a lie, but what if instead we were to propose that this "shadow of truth" is perhaps not a direct opposite of truth, as the lie tends to be defined, but rather an imitation of it – an imitation that seeks to usurp the place of truth and to present itself as such in one way or another. | |
Apocalyptica: experiences of apocalypse and post-apocalypse as they unsettle the past, present, and future
Our partner, the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at Heidelberg University (CAPAS), publishes Apocalyptica: an interdisciplinary, international, open-access, double blind peer-reviewed journal. The journal, published biannually, explores the many competing sides of apocalyptic thinking in order to investigate the (post-)apocalyptic imaginary and to examine experiences of apocalypse and post-apocalypse as they unsettle the past, present, and future. Visit here for more information, call for papers and access to the latest issues. | |
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